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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rintihan hati Remaja dari Kafe Ikhwan

Keazaman Seorang Remaja Pengupas Bawang.

Dalam dadanya bergelombang jiwa juang,
Bergenang di matanya dek pedihnya bawang,
Menangis hatinya kerana dosa yang di lakukan,
Jemarinya pantas mengasingkn kulit bawang,
Mindanya mengimbau pesan Rasul junjungan,
Nipis iman-iman umat di akhir zaman,
Laksana nipisnya kulit bawang di tangan,

Hati remaja merintih lagi,
Takkan ku biar Islam begini,
Takkan ku biar Islam terhina lagi.

Seorang remaja pengupas bawang,
Mengimpal hatinya, laksana besi,

Menyungkur diri di malam hari,
Bersama sendu berbaur rindu,
Kepada Tuhan dia berjanji...

Hari ini...
Aku di sini sebagai pengupas bawang,
Disini aku serah hatiku padaMu Tuhan,

Pengupas bawang ini akan membawa Islam yang cukup gemilang.
Darah mudaku yang mengalir membahang,
Akanku buat baginda tersenyum riang,
kerana bangunnya Islam.

Penuh kecanggihan bersama akhlak terbilang,
Diterajui oleh pemimpin pilihan Tuhan,
dan di belakangnya barisan pemuda ,
bermula dari remaja pengupas bawang...

وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَا مُوسَىٰ لَنْ نَصْبِرَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامٍ وَاحِدٍ فَادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا
مِمَّا تُنْبِتُ الْأَرْضُ مِنْ بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّائِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا
Al Baqarah 61 - Bawang di dalam Al Quran


Determination of A Youth Who Works with Onions

That youth working in the kitchen, peeling onions
Slicing them pole to pole,
Within his chest,  a spiritual waves of a true fighter ripples,

His eyes watery, burning, by the strong odor lingering in the air
His soul, weeping over all of his previous sins
His fingers swiftly, intricately working with the onions' skin,
peeling, separating,

 His mind recalling the words of  The Messenger
"The faith of the people at the end of times are flimsy  indeed",
Liken to the flimsy skin of the onions in his bare hands!

His heart mourns,
I will not let Islam be this way!
I will let not Islam be disgraced again!

The youth who works with the onions
His heart is strong, liken to an iron,

He arises for night-prayer, to God he prostrates
Together with  loose and endless longing

Towards his Master he promised...
God, today...
Here I am, a youth..  whose work is peeling and slicing onions
in the kitchen,
Over here, I declare my total submission to you, Oh God

This youth will honour Islam,  make Islam glorious again

 His vernal blood flowing intensely,
Determines to put the smile on the Prophet's face
as Islam rises again, full of refined sophistication,
along with honorable attributes,
Lead by the Chosen Leaders of God
Where behind them is a line of youths

Beginning with the one who works with the onions
in the kitchen...

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